Write group name and members' names who are participating in decision making. Exercise to be done in the group only, which may consist of 3-5 members, who are the experts in the subject of decision making in question.
Define your goal for which decision to be made, it should be clear, not very broad or narrow.
Identify the criteria for evaluating project options. Criteria must be responsive to the decision in question. Identify the project options. AHP works wonderfully with four criteria and three options, more than five project options are not suggested. Abbreviation/code of six or less letters must be given as it is easy to remember while making judgment in pairwise comparison.
Print empty form: As its online application, sometimes internet may be slow or disruption in connectivity or current, and there is no save option in this application. Therefore facility is provided to print empty form and write the judgment values in this hard copy also so that judgment value data is not lost.
Now group has to fill the judgment values on fundamental scale of 1-9, for pairwise comparisons of all the evaluation criteria with respect to goal and all the project options with respect to each criterion. The system generates final priority, the priority with highest score is top priority and other follows at second and third place as per score obtained. However, prior to application of software and filling the judgment values- please download and read 'case example for judgment values' and 'Case example analysed'.
Revision of judgment values: Research conducted at NAARM shows that the Consistency Ratio (CR) value must be kept <0.3 in case of lab projects and <0.5 in case of developmental projects, therefore you need to revise judgment values if CR values are exceeding threshold limit. The judgments are perfectly consistent if CR is about 0.2 or less.
After filling judgment values and revising (if required) the system will conduct necessary calculations and provide final priority. Now you can take the print, in chrome browser "save as PDF", in other browsers pdf can be made using Cute PDF/ do PDF software etc.
The AHP Analyser is based on Analytic Hierarchy Process. For complete understanding please download and read 'AHP methodology' and 'Research Paper on AHP'.