Project formulation is not one day or one-month activity, it takes time. And also when do idea strike? About six months may be needed depending upon conceptualization and formulation of good research project.
- Start with click on conceptual planning, Create new concept.
Thereafter, software provide following
- You can save at various steps.
- If you are working on various concept, you can save any number of concepts.
- Saved projects, you can edit, select the component to be edited and select the project.
- You can view the complete concepts at “My Research Concepts”.
- You can view, edit details of your all the concepts saved/submitted concepts.
- After finishing, you can “Generate Report”, it means concept is submitted and it will be available in “My Research Concepts” for downloading. After “Generate Report” you can’t edit.
- Generate Report option will be available only after last step i.e. Justification
More Over
- Because it is available on internet, you can work anytime and anywhere, whenever,
- Idea Strike
- Facilities available
- Research time available.
- After downloading, the MS word document will be available and you can cut and paste its text as per donor’s project format.