Online International Webinar on Fostering Global Collaboration concludes at NAARM

The ICAR-NAARM organised an Online International Webinar on “Fostering Global Collaboration among Agricultural Higher Educational Institutions” under NAHEP during 08th and 09th November 2021, in collaboration with IASRI. The programme evidenced the participation of more than 200 participants of senior level across several State Agricultural Universities, National Coordinators, NAHEP Component 2 team and other ICAR officials.

The webinar focused on development of global collaboration among Agricultural Higher Education Institutions and deliberated on opportunities and challenges, sustainability, impact, global mobility and exchange, implementation of global partnerships, framework for fostering global collaborations etc. The renowned educationists & agricultural researchers and NAHEP External Advisory Panel members across the globe (four from the USA, one from Australia and six from India) participated in the webinar. The Vice Chancellors SAUs shared their experiences on how to establish and sustain global collaborations between universities.

Dr R. C. Agrawal, DDG (Agril. Education), ICAR & ND, NAHEP emphasised   on the internationalisation of agricultural education, aligning to National Educational Policy, human resource development and multi global practices etc. Mr. Bekzod Shamsiev, Task Team Leader, World Bank in his address suggested to utilise the World Bank’s network across different countries to foster global collaborations. Dr Ch Srinivasa Rao, Director, NAARM presided the inaugural programme and Dr Rajender Parshad, Director IASRI, presided valedictory programme.


 Dr Ch Srinivasa Rao, Director, NAARM and Dr R C Agrawal, National Director addressing the gathering during inaugural programme

Chief Guest Address by Dr. R. C. Agrawal, National Director, NAHEP during Valedictory Function

Group photo of the participants


 (Source: ICAR- National Academy of Agricultural Research Management)